Update 24 May 21 by Katharina Bless
The energy is building up for the Wesak Moon, at the same time it is a so called “Blood Moon” and will appear very near and red in the sky, already tonight. Generally the energy of a full moon is over 3 days, the day before is the preparation for the opposition which is always a completion/confrontation with something, and then the day after is the time we let go and and the energy is more relaxing until the quarter moon that will bring a reminder of the topic.
Wesak is the day of the birth and death of Buddha and also his enlightenment. In the Buddhist countries a big day when every one goes to the temple.
I tuned into the energy and this is the message I got:
It is towards the male energy on the planet and will bring a gift of consciousness from the heart of the women, of Mother Gaia. It is the male/female imbalance that has brought so much pain and suffering. This balance has to be restored so there is peace and balance.
The male energy explodes, the female energy implodes and with this yin/yang energy a sacred spiral of life is set in motion. It is impossible that one can exist without the other!
The masculine part of the Divine is searching for the Feminine Divine to bring harmony. He is bringing gifts and the driving force to the feminine power of intuitive and creative receptivity.
Both are equivalent of each other and they are the warrior energies to fight ignorance.
It is time to balance your feminine/masculine energies and mother Earth is offering her help: step out of your houses and dwellings, go somewhere and sit with a tree or by a lake. Breath in consciously and ask the energies to help you to balance your masculine and feminine part.
In balance, there is a great source of power and this is the main struggle of man and woman.