Dakini Oracle Reading March 15, 2024: Ph ...

Dakini Oracle Reading March 15, 2024: Phoenix

Mar 15, 2024

Pearls of Wisdom with Katharina Bless
Dakini Oracle Reading March 15, 2024:

In this card you can see the the fire of the sacrifice of the false matrix at the bottom and the perfectly aligned Yin/Yang God/Goddess in a love position above the fire with the wings of the Phoenix.

The number 19 in the Tarot is the sun, showing the androgynous child on top of the white horse, which has a similar meaning: the completion of balancing the polarity within.
One is the the number of “I exist”, I have stepped out of unity and now are ready to experience myself now through the steps from 2 to 8 and to reach the number 9 of completion.

This card is connected to the rebirth and the re-emerging of the true human being, the one who is re-connected to the Divine Self and balanced.

The flames represent the sacrifice and purification from the lower consciousness, the perfect Divine Union is achieved and the rising as the Phoenix , being reborn as a conscious Divine Being.

This is the true meaning of the transformation and the awakening process. Once we go through this process of letting go of the false matrix, we can be reborn as the true human being we are: A divine being having a human experience. Conscious and in full glory of who we are.

This is the next step for those who have chosen to move into the Divine Consciousness and let go of the attachments of the false matrix.

There are two ascensions (as Kerry K also said clearly) one individual and one mass ascension. Even if we are part of a mass ascension, this does not indicate that we are not called for our personal initiation to move even higher in consciousness.

This is a good meditation topic for the coming weekend. Have a look at your life and the attachments. State your intention to let go… let the vision of a harmonious future play out and fuel it with your emotions to give it the power to manifest.

One of the most important thing in this process is to remember who we really are and manifest from there. If we try to manifest from the false matrix and the ego being, we will not achieve the transition into a higher state of being. It’s like I would try to better my nightmare… instead of waking up!

Info on private readings: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/SilverDove/dakini-oracle-skyview-astrology-readings

Blog with also written readings: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/SilverDove

Astrology Blog: https://skyviewastrology.wordpress.com/

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