Dakini Oracle Reading March 12, ‘24

Dakini Oracle Reading March 12, ‘24

Mar 12, 2024

Pearls of Wisdom with Katharina Bless

Dakini Oracle Reading March 12, ‘24:
Discrimination and Temptation

The card shows a snake head between to similar apples, one above and one below. This fits very well as a next step when we look at the card of “Self Created” from yesterday. This is the key to how we create our lives.

How can you create properly if you can’t discriminate what is good for you and what is not? The life we were living all these last centuries (and millennia) was making us into slaves. There was one war after the other – wars on many levels – they have forced humans into their knees and fight for survival.

And of course, many say now, oh, it is not so bad… but it is.

They moved on from the physical war to a psychlogical war on a higher level, not visible blood flowing, to steal our soul.

Most people don’t realize that, the spoiling of the Western World with ready made food, gadgets and much more. The fight of “women’s right” a few decades ago, so they can go to work had cost much more than most will ever comprehend! It started to undermine the whole Family and harmony between the gender, yin and yang.

Now it is time to rally look at what is offered and see through the illusion that, even if both apples on the surface might look the same, they are not. Our well being is not connected to luxury and comfortable artificial loves.

The message here is that we have to chose: either the mundane linear path of conveniences and artificial life and follow the mind (-program), or chose the spiritual path and chose to listen to the heart.

Every one who is following the fear program will not move into a higher consciousness because fear does not allow it.

When fear comes up, we know that there is something we need to work on and if we comprehend that we are the creators of our lives, then we also have to see that we create the negative things in our lives because of the fear based consciousness.

All manifestation is done by the energy of emotions. Therefore if the fear emotions are strong, then you create from this energy pattern exactly what you fear.

This card asks us to hold still for a moment and look closely at the decisions we make, if they are from a fear based consciousness for from the knowing of the heart.

We are still in a physical body here and our life is within polarity. We chose every day again and again what we manifest and to which group of humans we belong. It is easier to follow a fear pattern because the mass consciousness is still fear based and “pull” you along.

Luckily the light souls that are here and all those waking up are stronger now and you can see the world change. First all the “dirty secrets” are coming to the surface to be looked at and eliminated. More and more light is shining… and you might know, the brighter the light, the darker the shadow! So it all is visible and can be dealt with.

Still, each individual has to chose the path! You can’t serve two masters at the same time…. Watch which “wolf you feed”.
(here you can find the story: https://www.cherokeecopper.com/blogs/news/the-wolf-you-feed)

This is the great chance to see what is going on and to chose on which side you want to be, on which timeline you want to move forward.

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Astrology Blog: https://skyviewastrology.wordpress.com/

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