Update 23 October 21 by Silver Dove
Creating a new dream
This morning I was very happy since in the last days of the rainy season according to the Buddhist tradition here we had within 2 days so much rain that finally my “little lake”, which is our water reservoir for the dry season is full.
We struggled so much the last two years and I lost a lot of young trees because we could not water them anymore in the hot/dry season. It was already raining a lot this summer and we planted another 100 trees and 400 pineapples and now I know they will survive. I am here on this land now for 8 years and the 7th year was extremely difficult, but year 8 brings new abundance and a a completion of the planting our orchard. This is the image of this early morning:
Now it’s time for new dreams. Not only here, but in the whole world. Those who follow my moon readings know that on the 18th Jupiter finally turned direct and 3 more of the 7 retrograde planets we had several month. Now things start moving and in December when Jupiter enters Aquarius (real star constellations!!) before Solstice things can “break free”. Soon after that, also Uranus turns direct in Aries, and then the new energy will take hold!
If you dream about your new reality you have to dream big. Things will come into our lives that we’ve seen in science fiction! Nothing will remain the same and once the cabal is completely “cleaned out” things will develop rather fast.
What we have to face now is not easy and in many places when the military goes in to rescue the last children and other abducted / abused people in the last remaining pockets satanic worship places will not be easy.
But as I said so many times, before you can move you need to clear out the old and sort carefully what is worth to take along.
In my life I had to move many times and the most happy I was when I moved with only one pickup truck and had not much left! I had a real new start and it was an exciting time to do and build up something new. Even though in the beginning I missed some things, but they were soon forgotten and replaced by something better.
It’s the same now, if you are able to forgive and forget, to face things, look at them and then make a clear decision what to do with them, you will feel a kind of satisfaction that is giving you peace of mind. It will help you to shift into a higher consciousness!
Please be calm! In some places on the earth it will look like war when suddenly military shows up, but just stay out of the way and follow the instruction. But under no circumstance give in to the quaxine!! I have not the card from the control group of the un-quaxed and the QR code on the card will lead any one who challenge you to the info of your human rights. Very powerful little card! You can get it here:
It will cost you a little bit, but this is worth much more than money!
Now take your time and go into dreaming big. Imagine the world that you want to live in and energize it with your powerful creative fuel of happy emotions. Don’t wast the time with complaining and give the energy to the negative things, if you do, you just nurture the negative energies and things take longer.
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