Belief VS Doubt

Belief VS Doubt

Jan 04, 2022

Update 4 January 22 by Silver Dove
Belief is the “other side” of Doubt

When I study the energy of this January, I “see” a lot of opposites and controversial things.

On one hand uproar of the masses that are now coming out of there closet and I just watched a little clip on Twitter (yes, still checking it out….some good info there that slip beyond fact checkers ;-) that in Italy, after they were forbidden from the government to use firework, on the 31st the whole city seem to explode in fireworks. Fantastic…

The energies are low and many are very tired. It’s a moment when we stand in the void and expect now finally that something is happening that is positive, and it does. But not so much visible. But this will change very soon!


We have to consider that we have now a retrograde Venus (Dec 20/21 until Jan 29/22) and we need to become clear of what we do with energies connected to this archetype! What have we done to our earth? Our mother? How much have we loved? How much are we connected to our Divine Self? How much are we standing in our power and and take responsibility (response-ability) for what we do and who we are?

We also have a short period of retrograde Mercury ahead from Jan15 to Feb 4/22) and we have to be aware that in this time its not ideal to plan any thing that you want to be successful and in the clear. It corresponds to what Lee Harris said, that in the second week of February the energies are more clear again to plan something.


I can also see in the Schumann Resonance charts that this is a time for our own growth and take responsibility for all we are! Stop blaming others for what ever happens to you, you have created it. No matter if conscious or unconscious, it’s all yours. Only you live in your world and you can’t walk in “other’s shoes”. What ever is not our own experience, we have to believe… and believe is the other side of doubt.

Maybe we have to reflect on the topic why we are here. One major topic is for experience. It’s not said good or bad…. Just experience life in this dimension. Experience as much as possible. And every time we try to run away, it will catch up with us.


So with the knowledge that we can’t escape, why don’t we take back our power and do something with it instead giving it away to those who use and misuse it against us?

This is the time for decisions that will have a bigger impact and a longer endurance than probably every decision you have made before. You decide if you move into a timeline of freedom…. Or a timeline of enslavement!

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