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Simple Love

Simple Love

Jun 22, 2023

Dear Friends in Silence,

I pray this week's post finds you all safe and well and enjoying whatever summer is like in your little part of the world.

There was a line from one of the reflection passages in last weeks Silence on Sunday that I really loved. It was by Jose Pagola commenting on a verse of scripture about how we might find our way out of 'lostness' today:

Jesus said “Go to the lost sheep … As you go, proclaim this message: ‘The kingdom of [Love] has come near.’

Matthew 10:5

'Many men and women are lost, unable to find meaning in their lives. Some are always running around, flooded by an intense, nervous activity, but inwardly empty, not knowing exactly what they want. There is only one solution: to learn to love. To relearn the things that love requires, which are not in fashion today: simplicity, acceptance, friendship, solidarity, generous attentiveness to others, faithfulness.'

Jose A. Pagola, The Way Opened Up By Jesus

I had the privilege recently of helping to organise an event in our parish where we offered people, as they left mass, the opportunity to have a cup of tea, some cake or an icecream. (and both if they could manage it!). Reflecting now on the event and how it might meet Pagola's recipe for what love requires I think we hit the mark. There are times when we can make offering love so complicated when the the simple act of handing someone an icecream can bring no small measure of joy (just look at me!). Of course there are times when more is needed and we trust the spirit to guide and encourage us to know when and what that is. By the way, just in case the uneducated among you think to tread on dangerous ground and suggest that the icecream I'm holding is simply 'a whipped icecream', I should warn you that the icecream giving me such a happy head is actually called is a '99' (yes it has a wikipedia page!). A '99' contains all the components of a whipped icecream: a wafer cone and icecream, but there is one vital difference! A '99' has an all important Cadbury's 99 Flake stuck in it. Some would suggest that even adding a sauce to a '99' is sacrilege - but hey who can resist a rasberry sauce!

I wonder, if in many ways, we bring the same complications to our way of loving God through prayer? Let's remember what Jesus said:

'...when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words'

Matthew 6:7

An Irish authour called Michael Harding, who shares about his spiritual life through a weekly podcast, has two ways of attentive prayer that I am really trying to make part of my daily life:

The first prayer is said as you arise in the morning and as you go to bed at night. As you get up you simply say 'God, thank you for guiding me safely through the night, please guide me safely through the day' and as you go to bed say 'God thankyou for guiding me safely through the day, please guide me safely through the night'.

The second prayer is said at intervals throughout the day, alerted by as many little reminders as you like on a phone alarm or through your encounters with specific moments of the day like showering or washing dishes. All you do, if you can, is simply stop what you are doing and say 'let us remember we are in the presence of God', remain that way for as long moment as you can, and then move on with your day.

Silentium Spritual Practice Group

The next, and last Silentium Spiritual Practice Group gathering before we take a break for the summer is:

Thursday the 29th of June - usual time 8pm Irish time in The Wisdom Chapel.

At that gathering I will guide us in a liturgy which will include the sharing of a simple Eucharist. If you plan to come along and would like to take part I invite you to have to hand a little bread and a drink of your choice.

I would really like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who was present at last Thursday's gathering where we chatted about the future of the group, and for the messages that I have received since. What is emerging is a cause for great excitement, I can't wait to share more with you in the coming weeks and I'm already looking forward to a return in September.

Silence on Sunday

This is the last Silence on Sunday before our summer recess.

For this week’s Silence on Sunday Maria will be your guide and the theme will be Reassurance and Invitation

Click HERE to download the liturgy Reassurance and Invitation in PDF

That’s all the news for this week. Thank you for reading, reflecting and praying with me.

Until I see you soon in The Wisdom Chapel

Go Well and God Bless


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