DrawBeats Enhancements - Holiday Edition ...

DrawBeats Enhancements - Holiday Edition πŸŽ„

Dec 24, 2022

First and foremost, happy holidays (in the style of 8-bit Mariah Carey)!


I've recently made a few exciting changes to DrawBeats that I wanted to share:

  • General performance improvements. Things should hopefully feel quite a bit smoother. On a technical level, I decoupled the visual frame rate with the audio sequencing, and that's opened up a lot of room for improvement.

  • Note animations!

  • More granular options for tempo and swing.

  • DrawBeats can now play when it's not the visible tab.

  • More granular randomization settings - you can now specifically randomize certain octaves. This is helpful, for example, for keeping a drum groove and baseline steady and having DrawBeats improvise a melody on top of that.

  • You can now record your beats! The button is on the top right.

Please feel free to reach out if you have any thoughts or feedback on anything related to DrawBeats or any of my other projects!

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