Right Here, Right Now!

Right Here, Right Now!

Sep 16, 2024

The second eclipse cycle of 2024 kicks off with the September 17th Supermoon. The final series begins with a Lunar Eclipse, which only occurs during a Full Moon when the Moon passes through the Earth's shadow. This time around, it happens at 1°28 minutes of the Pisces Zodiac in the asterism Pūrva Bhādrapadā. The upper lunar node, Rāhu, produces the obscuration but is almost 11 degrees away mid-Pisces. This means the penumbral shadow that results when Planet Earth obstructs sunlight from reaching the Moon will be minimal, creating a partial eclipse. Taking place 9 hours before perigee, the point at which the fully waxed Moon is closest to Earth, the event will be entirely visible from western parts of Africa and Europe, south and eastern North America, and all of South America. According to Vedic Astrology, this is particularly significant for the US because the eclipse takes place in the 4th House of the United States natal chart, foretelling major change in the US homeland and in the hearts of its people. Most American citizens perceive that upheaval in their way of life approaches. We all sense something big is brewing, but we just can’t put our fingers on exactly what that is. After the Solar Eclipse in early October, much more will come to light. Brace for impact.The promising news is—the nakṣatra where the Lunar Eclipses transpires, Pūrva Bhādrapadā, holdsYājamāna Śaktī, the power to awaken spirituality. This nakṣatra triggers the innate transcendent power within us and heightens each soul's evolutionary level. In particular, a Lunar Eclipse in Pūrva Bhādrapadā initiates or delivers conclusions in our lives. After the eclipse, many of us will feel the door closing on a played-out situation. We will intuitively understand that a relationship, occupation, or circumstance that no longer serves us will be on its way out or finally over. Many of us will feel that we are operating outside our comfort zone and uncertain about the future. However, this is the opportune time to prepare for the unfamiliar and face the unknown. Now is the moment to take an uncalculated risk; if there is ever an occasion to jump before looking, this is it—and following your intuition is key.

The September Lunar Eclipse marks the ending of a karmic cycle in our lives. Like the caterpillar that dissolves itself into liquid during its chrysalis stage so it can later emerge as a butterfly, it is the time to become fluid, go with the flow, and release the past so we can become something new. The process may seem uncomfortable, even impossible, but I promise—once the door to your past shuts for good, you will manifest something completely different that serves your higher purpose. Get excited about it—and trust it can be something extraordinary. Get ready for a new destination, a new love, a new life.

Called The Happy Feet, Pūrva Bhādrapadā nakṣatra also relates to the final leg of the soul journey in the human realm. In the Dharmic traditions, the feet are sacred because they carry us on our course, on our mysterious uncharted exploration through the embodied human experience. Pisces, the 12th sign of the Kālapuruṣa Kuṇḍalī (the Original Zodiac), is about concluding that voyage and stepping into what exists beyond this 3D sphere. Being the last sign of the zodiac, Pisces is about endings, letting go of attachments, moving on to higher dimensions—and—waking up inside the Dream called Life; this September Lunar Eclipse prompts the undoing of the conscious self, allowing the collective to awaken from the matrix slumber.

While writing this article, I heard my dream team tell me: search for the video called Right Here, Right Now by Fatboy Slim. I had never seen the video before, but as soon as I played it, I got an auditory blast from the past! It brought me back to New York City in the nineties—which seems like another lifetime altogether. The song is almost 30 years old, but its meaning and the video are relevant for this 2024 juncture. According to Vedic and Agamic traditions, Time is the fourth of eleven dimensions that exist in our Multiverse. This Lunar Eclipse in Pisces is ultimately about the amplification of Time—reminding us that we are on this planet—right here, right now—to experience a transformative actuality. So, prepare to say goodbye to your past and step into uncharted territory—where a new eventuality awaits. Now is time to seriously ask yourself: What reality am I going to create?

Wishing you the highest and most expanded expression of your human birth.

Namaskaram 🩷 Aloha 🩷 LL


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