Forever Friends Academy - Can I Serve Yo ...

In the beginning stages of a developing relationship, instead of contemplating on if you've reached the point of whether you should say the three emotionally weighty words of "I Love You." You should take an introspective assessment to see if you are willing, ready to commit and act on a lifetime of servitude to another person, by answering the question,"Can I Serve You?" That sacred, wonderful and sacrificial act is the process you would be embarking on when you enter into a lifetime commitment of marriage with someone.
Love is an unbroken state of being. To unconditionally love we have to grow and get acclimated to serving with our greatest capacity. "He that is greatest among you shall be your servant." (Matthew 23:11) A relationship is an interdependent system of service one to another. If we are going to strive to unconditionally love each other, let us proceed with a heart posture of service. Let one of the principal building blocks of the foundation of your relationship be of creating a healthy competitive dynamic to out serve each other everyday.
2023 © Sharla R. Kornegay, Interask Coaching,
Forever Friends Academy LLC, All Rights Reserved
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