March is Triple-Negative Breast Cancer M ...

March is Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Month

Mar 07, 2024

Who knew there was another mouth added to the calendar of those of us who have had or have the most dangerous cancer for African-American women. I cry at the thought of finding out any woman or man who has or are battling cancer in any form.

But, to have another entire month dedicated to bringing awareness to this specific pathological cancer, it’s baffling. The illness is so wide spread, that October was not enough.

We all need help, but triple-negative sounds like a slam dunk discussion during a basketball game. The fight almost makes you question if its really over when you go into remission.

I’m in remission, and I pray and stay my mind away from the thoughts of recurrence. I just can’t allow my psyche to go there.

Match the 7th, 2023 was the day I found the lump! How wild that I had no clue and showed no outward position regarding cancer and its affect on so many women’s lives. Now I’m one of many who are easily forgotten.

I want to thank you for giving me the fortitude during my fight and the desire now to serve others in this battle.

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