I made a post about this before, and here I am again with another little update. You can see my issue from my post on Ko-Fi here. Same issues as before, just on a new account.
There is no great solution at this time, but BuyMeACoffee does allow me to use all aspects of the platform entirely for free. I am able to post long-form (like here.) I can add to my gallery and allow you to download the images in full-res, also for free. Appears I am able to use the shop and offer more downloads, again also for free.
BuyMeACoffee allows me to give back to the community without restrictions or payments. This is all I want. I have never asked for money in exchange for my services, or my templates, or anything I offer. I am happy to offer what I can for free, and I do not accept tips.
Thank you to those of you who took the time to read this. I'll likely be settling in here on BMC, getting ready for 2025.