This platform BuyMeACoffee (or BMC for short.) does not allow PayPal payments, or payouts. Therefore I am entirely unable to utilize BMC's monetary benifits, or support.
If you are genuinely interested in supporting me, even with a one-time-donation, tips, or monthly memberships, please visit our Ko-Fi page instead. On Ko-Fi we actually can accept money.
It is a shame BuyMeACoffee doesn't have this support and appears to use Stripe instead but Stripe is extremely strict with their policies and take a bigger cut than PayPal. So it's not exactly something we're comfortable using.
If you're interested in our other platforms, please see our Carrd.
We have a follow up post over on Ko-Fi directly related to this post here on BMC. Please do read that.
Thank you,
¯ SelfDugGrave & CaffeinatedCultist