Would you rather build your own DroneBridge for ESP32 board or shipping the ready-made boards is no option? No problem! Just get the production files here and order the PCB yourself!
Save some time and get the ready-made production files for the DroneBridge for ESP32 HWv1.1 board for the price of a cheap coffee!
This Item contains:
Compared to the [Easy Solder] version this board will require you to solder SMD parts. It is recommended to order the additional stencil. These production files will allow you to produce the cleanest and smallest boards with the most secure connection using the Pixhawk standard connector.
With this order, you receive the following license grants:
This is a private sale. No refund! You will receive the files via download directly after purchase.
Get your board via JLCPCB:
Upload the following file to JLCPCB: "GERBER-XIOA_ESP32C3_DroneBridge.zip"
Select the following settings for the PCB:
Layers: 2
Product Type: Industrial/Consumer electronics
Delivery Format: Single PCB
PCB Thickness: 1.6mm or less
Impedance Control: no
Material Type: FR4-Standard
Via Covering: Tented
Surface Finish: LeadFree HASL
Deburring/Edge rounding: No
Outer Copper Weight: 1 oz
Gold Fingers: No
Castellated Holes: no
Edge Plating: No
Mark on PCB: Order Number(Specify Position)
For the optional stencil choose:
Dimension: 380mm*280mm
Stencil Side: Top
Ultrasonic-resistant adhesive: No
Bill of Material for PCB assembly. You will additionally require the following hardware to assemble the final board: