Covering costs for #astrodon

Covering costs for #astrodon

Oct 06, 2023

As the astrodon community has grown over the past year the cost of running the server has risen too.

Our service is hosted and managed by, in a shared environment that I have little control over. Whilst this is convenient, the data used by a mastodon instance only grows, which means costs go up over time even without growing the community. Over the past year costs have grown from €40/month to €120/month now.

I have run the community out of pocket so far and can continue to do so for the foreseeable future, but a number of members of the community have asked how they can contribute, so I’ve decided to set up this Buy Me a Coffee for anyone who wants to donate.

Anything over the hosting costs I will find a way to use to give back to the community, ideas welcome!

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