I'm desperate to find a good solution for my 6 cats that I all saved from the streets.
They are now healthy indoors cats, all vaccinated and sterilized.
My business has gone bankrupt and on top of that I have been scammed online and lost a lot of money. Now I'm broke and need to go back to my country to find a job and make money.
I love my cats and wish I could keep them, but I have no choice but to give them away.
They can go 6 together, 4 together, 3 together, or 2 together, as follow:
- Shanti & Gizmo have a special bond and must go together.
- Ginger & Black have a special bond and must go together.
- Red is Ginger's sister and should go with her if possible.
- Tux is Black's sister and should go with him if possible.
Please help if you can, otherwise I have no idea what I can do with them when I leave Thailand.
I am even willing to give my house rent-free to someone who is willing to take good care of them
until I am able to recover financially and come back to Thailand.
My house:
Contact me here: https://www.facebook.com/SEB.BLUES
Or email: [email protected]
Thank you
RED (female):
So cute, strong independent character, currently has little problem with her lungs, sometimes she coughs and chokes a bit when she is sleeping in a wrong position. Vet says she needs nebulizer treatment from time to time.
GINGER (female):
Very shy girl, because she was bullied by some other cat. Needs a lot of love, and she will be very nice cat.
BLACK (male):
Good boy with good character, he is bigger than all the other cats, like a Pantera.
TUX (Female):
Very smart cat, not shy to ask for food with her paws, she likes to flee outdoors if given the chance, be careful !! She did this to me twice, and each time I couldn't find her. After 2 weeks, I found her in the bush in the garden.
SHANTI (female):
My girl Shanti is very dear to me, because I saved her 3 times from death, and cared for her more than 6 months giving her food by seringe, because she had a bad infection at the vet. Her injuries left her a little bit limited in her movements, but nothing serious. She just doesn't run or jump much. She also started licking herself too much and now has short hair. She is very cute and mild-mannered, as long as no other cat is bothering her. She comes and places her head on my arm most of the time when I am at the computer. And she loves to lick ice cubes. :)
GIZMO (male):
Another good boy that I saved from the streets in Chiang Mai, a bit fat, eats and sleeps a lot, and comes on my lap when I am at the computer.