WOW, A NEW BIKE! I didn’t think this day could come soon enough. I picked up a 2024 Gas Gas EX 350F from Adventure Moto in McKinney. They are going to help out with parts, service, and suspension work throughout the year as needed. I’m stoked on the look of the Gas Gas because it’s the perfect color combination for Seat Time!
I wanted to get a four stroke for the 2025 Nation Enduros Series. I feel the way they create and deliver power is my best option at a successful year in the 45 A class. I will have quite a few days getting used to the bike before Sumter. My hope is that I at least stop stalling the bike in the tighter sections. I normally flow really well through those, so I’m hoping to keep those as my strong spot.
Since the Gas Gas comes pretty bare bones, I’ll be adding a lot of protection over the next few weeks. We’ll start with Bullet Proof Designs to keep the bike safe, an SXS Skid Plate, Enduro Engineering Open Guards, Fastway pegs, Astra Handlebars and XCGear with a MAKO360. If any suspension work needs to be done, the guys from Adventure Moto are going to help me out. From there, we’ll ride the red rocket into the woods of Sumter, SC.
If you have any tips for four strokes, please share them. I want my learning journey to be accessible to everyone so we can all share the knowledge. Next up, idle screw and the air filter cage without a screen. We’ll see how/if that helps with the flame outs. From there, I might just have to ride better, haha!
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