It is difficult being single, especially during the last two years of government mandates precluding us from social interactions-masks didn't help us single gals either! Now, add to this equation that you are over 50 and single/divorced/widowed...empty nest at home...It can get pretty darned lonely so we have to make the best out of what is available to us. You need your friends! But, many of our friends are part of a couple and well...being 3rd, 5th, or 7th wheel gets old fast.
Welcome to SASSover50! The SASS part is actually an acronym for Sexy And Single Sisters, but hey, we won't deny the "sass" adjective exists a bit, too! We are Sisters from other misters and we're here for YOU! Grab a cocktail and join us twice a month for an enlightening chat. Be prepared to laugh because we aren't doing this podcast to depress you; we're doing it to encourage you, boost your spirit and your confidence; and to share our lack of expertise (aka experiences ;-). We all are in our situations for different reasons, but we'll push forward with you via our positive and hopeful, if not comical, podcast insights!
Monthly Members are helping SASSover50 to continue! Elle learned how to create, develop, record, edit, post, publish and all things podcast, on her own time and through trial and a LOT of research/reading. The time spent on the podcast recordings and edits keeps the SASSy Co-Host from working at her actual career that pays the bills ;-) All equipment, web-hosting, pod-hosting, merchandise, and monthly subscriptions for Zoom and other needed apps are fully paid for by Elle. We love our listeners and have enjoyed producing this podcast for free, but let's just are greatly appreciated! XOXO
As a thank you for your kind donation, our SASSy Sisterhood Members will get access to our private blog page each month of your membership!
You'll get access to exclusive posts, photos, and video bytes, from the SASSover50 Co-hosts! Expect Tips & Tricks/Insider Info/Great Shares/Early Announcements/Out-takes from our pods/Random Info you wanted, but didn't know that you wanted!