What's new with you Al?

What's new with you Al?

Apr 14, 2023

Hi and welcome to this little bubble of a world, I am cultivating. I'm Al the person behind Santos Suerte. As my first blog post on this platform, I decided it's probably best to give an update as to where I am at on my own journey in this life.

Last November I caught the first wave of wind hinting that something was going to change for me soon. And though I couldn't see what was coming or get any sort of clue from my guides or ancestors as to what it was I definitely felt it. I had started becoming unhappy at a place that I thought was my dream job. I used to dream of doing this kind of work back in 2016 when I was working at Juiceland off barton springs road in Austin, Tx. Come March of 2022 that dream knocking at my front door. I was so sure this was it, the last job I would work at before I could start working for myself. Though low and behold here we are 13 months later and I put in my two-week notice this morning. Not because I never want to work in herbalism ever again. Ultimately it came down to choosing financial stability.

Listen I hate living in a capitalistic world as much as the next free-thinking person but the truth is we live in a capitalistic world and we need to play the game from time to time. Working at the apothecary taught me so much about myself, how I hold space for others, to trust my formulations, and what kind of herbal medicines I am good at creating. What most people didn't know is how hard it was financially/emotionally on me and my partner. I could go into the full details though that isn't what this post is about.

So what's next for me? Well for the time being I will be working part-time at a well know hot spot with my friends to get back on track financially and start saving money. An opportunity to work with a well known Latina Astrologer whom I admire and deeply respect is forming. So we will see where that goes. I am envisioning what it looks like to finally roll out my own apothecary line and offering services again. Thinking about making youtube videos again for fun, help me brush up on my video editing skills. There is also a podcast in the works with a good friend of mine. All I know is that the doors are open and so am I because whatever comes next is in alignment with me, my highest purpose, and my fullest authenticity.

If you'd like to stick around and have access to other blog posts, life updates, creative content, or even some guided meditations. I created a membership, it starts off at $5/month. I also activated "comissions" on this platform where you can purchase pre-recorded general readings and custom formulations!

In the words of Tom Hanks as Forest Gump, "And that's all I have to say about that."

Till next time,

Al :)

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