Aug 22, 2022

Happy birthday Virgo Suns! Here is your birthday reading! I'm using a spread I use for clients, myself, friends and family. I have found it to be pretty darn accurate. So let's take a look!


  1. Past influences that are ending or passing out of your life -- Knight of Wands -- Being busy and always being on the go or being "on" all the time is coming to an end. This past year was a super busy time for you! Maybe you want to keep yourself distracted from real issues. Or maybe you had no choice but to hustle, hustle, hustle. I'm seeing things slowing down for you eventually.

  2. Accomplishments of the past year to reflect on -- The Hierophant -- You're doing things your own way. You are seen as wise and are reverred for your knowledge and wisdom. You may be a social media influencer or public personality or a spiritual/religious figure. You have come so far in your journey with trusting your judgement and intuition as well as following the universe's path for you. You are making a name for yourself. Be proud! Your diligence and hard work has paid off!

  3. Issues, tasks, or goals carried forward from last year into the coming year -- Queen of Cups -- You must continue to work on showing your emotions and being comfortable with your emotions. Emotions help us function. There is no such thing as a "bad" emotion. Let yourself feel the spectrum of emotions that are inside of you! Good vibes only is toxic positivity. Feeling a negative emotion helps you release it. Stop spiritually bypassing your emotions. Feel!

  4. Where you are right now -- Four of Swords -- You really want to take a break. Allow yourself time to rest and heal your body, mind, and spirit. You don't have to be "on" all the time. Right now is a time of rest and preparing yourself for what's to come next.

  5. New influences that will be coming into your life in the near future -- The Devil -- I feel a Capricorn sun, moon, or rising may play a big role in your life. This person may be stubborn, a hard worker, responsible, and aloof. Just because they are aloof on the outside doesn't mean they don't feel things deeply. On contraire, they do feel things deeply, just they're not the greatest at expressing their feelings or emotions. This person will be stern and not let you get away with stuff.

  6. Challenges you may face in the coming year -- Seven of Swords -- Someone may manipulate you or withold something from you. This something could be a secret that either would affect you positively or negatively. The manipulator is clearly looking out for themselves! Watch out! Another challenge I'm getting is you need to have more fun in your life and stop taking things and people so seriously. Kick your heels up and go out and have a laugh or a drink or surround yourself with people who uplift you!

  7. Goals you can achieve in the coming year -- Knight of Pentacles -- Planting a seed. Getting started on a goal or plan that has been put off. As long as you start, you're halfway there. As long as your nurture it and make sure it has sunlight, dirt, and water, it will bare fruit. The fruit may not come in the coming year. But it doesn't hurt to get started! Stop sitting and plant the seed!

  8. The overall focus or outlook for the coming year -- The World -- You're ending a cycle and entering into a brand new one. This year is a time to wrap up things that have outgrown their purpose or no longer serve you. It's also time for you to give birth to new projects, ideas, beliefs, and relationships. It's also time to say goodbye to the person you used to be and say hello to the new you.

  9. Your birthday gift -- a blessing you will receive during the year -- King of Pentacles -- Abundance. Wealth. Health. Stability. Beauty. Commitment. This is going to be a good year despite the challenges. You will reap what you've sewn. It's long over due Virgo! Happy birthday! πŸŽ‚πŸŽˆ

And that concludes your birthday reading! Would you like a birthday reading of your own? Use code VIRGO at checkout on my birthday reading for 15% off your personal birthday reading!

If this reading resonated, I'd appreciate a tip at my Cash App $tarotbysammybrite, Venmo https://venmo.com/sammybrite or my PayPal https://PayPal.me/tarotbytate or click below πŸ‘‡ and donate a πŸ•! Pizza is code for life expenses, tarot and oracle decks, and supporting the BuyMeACoffee community! Tips and donations are greatly appreciated but never expected!

Thanks for reading Virgo! Happy birthday! πŸŽ‚πŸŽˆ Sending you love πŸ’• and gratitude πŸ™ your way!

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