In 2025 Time Magazine might name “You” the Person of The Year. Ten years later, “You” are the Brand of The Year.
Personal brand building online for executives, employees, and students will continue to dominate. It may have been considered clever two, three, four years ago to say, “I am a technological dummy,” but it’s not clever anymore. It’s irresponsible.
As brands push to further humanize and engage with consumers in new ways, they’ll look to their workforce to lead the charge. Executives will become micro brands within organizations. Poised to buoy social media content distributed by the brand. Does it really work?
Building my personal brand has changed my life. When I wanted to get into social media, I choose the most important channels I knew my potential audience could be found, I opened a YouTube channel and went active in LinkedinLive and Instagram. My niche is hospitality and travel. That gained the attention of the Mediterranean Tourism Forum which has annual conferences in Malta. I was invited to moderate a panel discussion with the topic, ¨Technology Re-defining the Hospitality of the Future¨, and also produce webinars for their video channel.
These opportunities gave us visibility in front of 1000 delegates. More important the opportunity to network with like-minded people.
Networking is the start of a relationship. The relationship in turn may create a business opportunity.
My favorite marketing guru, Mark Schaefer, talked recently about Five Megatrends.
One of the Megatrends are ¨Personal brand as strategic center piece¨
People do not believe your company, your ads, or your PR.
People believe people. Increasingly, the person brand IS THE BRAND,
Especially B2B. Executive personal branding is not ego-driven, it is ROI driven
How do I start building my personal brand? Taking control of your personal brand doesn’t have to be hard. Here are three simple ways to get started:
Become active on the top social media sites (Linkedin, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter) by contributing to conversations in your industry.
Provide value on these social networks with video, and I mean LIVE video.
With today's mobile devices the quality is so good that you can deliver live videos on the fly. Once you are behind your desktop go Live directly to the social platform.
For my desktop video production, I use Ecamm Live as my web production software and of course, embed the Buy me a coffee widget.