Everything is the same.

Everything is the same.

Jan 20, 2023

Below is a transcript of a conversation I had with Akasha a couple of years ago about the different expressions energy takes. Enjoy!

Akasha: At the beginning of time there was only essence, pure consciousness; nothing else existed, only light, and that light was accompanied by darkness. Now, this was not duality, duality did not exist as a concept then. In the beginning, all that was existed for the sake of it, there were no definitions, no agendas. Black and white were (and still are) just the same. This is what I want you to understand - everything is just the same, there is no separation, and all of the differences known to man now do not exist. 

Me: Wait a second. I understand the no separation part, but what about it’s all the same? It doesn’t feel like it is. Hate and love are not the same they are opposites. Good and evil, hot and cold, air and water, are not the same, they have different functions and different qualities too. 

Akasha: That’s where you are wrong. They are not the same because they have different qualities, they are the same because they are energy and vibration. Different types of vibration but vibration nevertheless. Doesn’t that make everything the same?

Energy is all the same, all that is, was, and will be was, is, and will be created from the same universal fabric. We all are, and everything is, a different expression of the same energy, but a different expression does not make us different in essence. We have all been created equal, not equal in features perhaps, or skills or even appearance but in essence. At the core of who we are, we are all the same - a different expression of the same energy. In fact, the deities, guides, and other energies we call upon are a deified expression of ourselves. Even between them, Mother Mary is the Same as Isis and Shakti and Quan Ying, the difference is in the name and how each of them has been understood by different cultures. Their expression and qualities might seem different, but they all represent the same energy. 

The concept of sameness might seem to rob us of our uniqueness, but if we look closely, not really. Therefore we need to understand sameness differently. 

Let’s say, for example - humans, are all the same. We belong to the same species. We can be tall or short, man or woman, white or black, Asian or European, Vegan or not so much. The species contains variations of the expression humans can take, but not of the essence. There can be a tall, black, male human and a short, white, female, and neither of them is less of a human because of the expression they choose to take. In essence, we are all humans regardless of the expression our humanity takes.

Seen from an energetic perspective, this concept goes even deeper. For example, a koala bear is just a different expression of the same energy that makes the human race. The energy that makes up the human might not be the same that conforms to the Koala, but at their essence, they are the same - energy. The more we look into the smallest expression of all energy or rather to its core, we see that no matter the expression of the energy we want to study, at its core is the same - protons, neutrons, neutrinos, quanta. 

Why is it important to know this? Because our fixation with being unique has separated us greatly from the whole. It has driven us to made-up isolation (I say made-up because even if you choose to go up to the remotest part of the planet and stay there on your own, even then you are one with your surroundings. Even in the most reclusive of situations you still belong). In our eagerness to be unique, we have let ourselves be disconnected from the whole, we have withdrawn from the world and we feel misunderstood. But to what extent we have brought that sense of separateness into ourselves? We want to be seen, we want to be understood, we want to belong, and at the same time, we want to be unique… 

The funny part is that the more we embrace our uniqueness, the more we embrace our completeness too. Embracing our uniqueness allows us to fit more easily into the whole. No matter what you say, we all want to belong in one way or another.

Separateness brings us back to union and vice versa. Following the line of thought Akasha gave us at the beginning of the chat, Separateness, and union are the same because both coexist in the same space. The moment you separate from an aspect of the world, you bring yourself back to wholeness through that separation. Why? Because you are not the only one separating! Just as you are trying to “exit” the system, many others want to do the same, and what looks like separation isn't. We are just going in cycles until we are not. We never really separate, we are always at the same point in time and space, and what we perceive as movement is the dynamic expansion of the force that contains it all. 

The Universe is more like a ball folding in and on itself constantly, repurposing its own energy for expansion. It’s crazy! Sometimes it still doesn't make sense to the mind, but we truly are all the same, so let’s embrace it! Let’s embrace our uniqueness so we can embrace our togetherness. 

End of the transmission.

*I refer to Akasha as she because that’s how it felt. Its expression at that moment felt feminine, but energy, as we are learning here, is neither and both at the same time.

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