Color Ni Sago

Color Ni Sago

Oct 05, 2022

Color Ni Sago is a pinoy game where players can earn SAGO tokens by placing a bet on a color. SAGO tokens are converted to BNB and rewards are sent to your wallet address.

What is this bot

Color Ni Sago is a bot made for discord. Players can earn SAGO tokens by placing a bet on a color.

The bot draws 3 types of colors and when it has the same color as the player picked, they will be rewarded with SAGO tokens. Bot will convert your SAGO rewards to BNB and will automatically send it to you wallet.

Why bot

Simple wallet linking

Wallet linking does not need to have any permission nor connection. Simply add your wallet address to the bot via the link command and you're good to go.

Automatically receive rewards

Each time you win and get rewarded, the bot automatically scans who has SAGO rewards and converts them to BNB.

Tax System

When a player deposits BNB or forcefuly withdraw SAGO tokens a tax is set to keep the reward pool healthy.

SAGO token

SAGO token is a universal in game currency that is connected to different SAGO games on discord. There are plenty of ways to earn in our discord server from games, tasks and events.

How to setup the bot

To add Color Ni Sago in your server, use the invitation link and make sure you've given the bot all the required permission. It is best to add the bot on a dedicated channel.

How to use the bot


Before doing anything with the bot, players should link their BSC wallet address. There's no need to go to any website, click anything or any fishy stuff. Simply paste your address along with the main command.


After the player links their address, easily top up cash by sending BNB to the bot's wallet address. Official address is 0xB9cAd4C5F78a02067a1baE02Adb8d0fB902F57b2 on binance smart chain.


Once the player has the their deposit reflected on their account. They may now purchase in game SAGO tokens to be able to play.


Players can pick 3 colors to bet on. The bot draws 3 random colors each time and if the player has the same colors as the draw he/she wins the game.

If the bot draws 2 times of the same color the player picked, the reward is double the amount. SAGO token is deducted if a player loses.


When a player decides to forcefully withdraw their tokens they may do so with the withdrawal command. The bot automatically sends it to the player's wallet with deduction of the tax and gas fee.



Short prefix for Color Ni Sago.


Check your profile or get instructions how to link your address.

.color [0xa]

Link a wallet address on binance smart chain.

.color topup

Show information on how to top up.

.color buy

Buy SAGO token.

.color withdraw

Withdraw tokens by paying tax and gas fee.

.color red [more colors]

Place a bet on a color. Available colors are red, green, blue, white, pink and yellow. You also can use the first letters.


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