Unreal Binary Builder v3.0 released

Unreal Binary Builder v3.0 released

Jan 09, 2021


v3.0 of Unreal Binary Builder is now available. You can grab the source code or download the latest release from Github.

Source code: https://github.com/ryanjon2040/UE4-Binary-Builder

Download: https://github.com/ryanjon2040/UE4-Binary-Builder/releases/latest


Updated to dotnet core.
Supports running Setup.bat and GenerateProjectFiles.bat
New one click build. Runs Setup.bat, GenerateProjectFiles.bat and compiles the Engine all in one click.
Supports configuring Setup.bat.
New plugin packager. Compiles and zips up plugin (with support for Unreal Marketplace).
New update checker for Unreal Binary Builder.
Huge performance improvement for Engine zipping.
Settings are now saved in json format for easy editing.

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