Robin Wong
2,094 supporters
Join My YouTube Membership!

Join My YouTube Membership!

Apr 03, 2024

Hey everyone!

First and foremost, I'd like to thank you all for the generous support you have given me, which enabled me to continue making content on YouTube. Your kind help has gone a long way, and I am still here shooting new images and making new videos week after week. I love you all!

I just want to announce that I have enabled YouTube Membership. With just the price of a cup of coffee, you can support me and get the following perks:

1) Early access to new videos - you get to see new videos 24 hours before public release.

2) Exclusive members only Live Streams - instead of fighting with hundreds of people, you can chat to me more directly.

3) Priority replies to members comments - I get hundreds of new comments on my YouTube videos every day, and you will be at the top of my response list.

I understand some of you have also supported me through membership here, but you don't get any perks. You do have a choice of stopping your membership here, and support me on YouTube instead, the choice is up to you!

I look forward to making more videos on photography, tips and tricks on cameras and lenses and share new photographs with you!

You can join the YouTube Membership here:


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1 comment
Gregory Laborde
Sep 26, 2024
Yeah, that was it. I suppose your former responses are lost to oblivion unless you send them to me again 😕.