Progress: Wednesday 10/20

Progress: Wednesday 10/20

Oct 20, 2021

Today I did a bunch of parsing film taglines and descriptions looking for major cities within countries, states and territories.

It turned up a lot of easily identifiable locations that had been missed before. But it also produced a lot of false positives, so there was a lot of manual error checking. Still, made pretty good progress and added a bunch of movies across the US & Canada.


  • 🇨🇦 Canada now has more than 1000 films, most filterable down to the province/territory level

  • No US State has fewer than 20 films— 🦀 Delaware has the fewest with 21, 🗽New York has the most with 3,016

Fixed Bugs:

  • Fixed a problem with the filters on Safari (they weren't sticking to the correct side of the window)

  • Made the Oceania graphic include New Zealand and S. Pacific islands

  • Fixed a problem where the search filters would display weird when filtering by 'combo-genre'

An interesting setting to explore:

🇺🇸🔪😱 Horror Movies Set In The American Midwest

I tried my best, but...

I spent while looking, but ultimately couldn't find either a clear time period or location for Lux Æterna. I probably could have gotten there, but the trailer made me so physically uncomfortable that I gave up. (seizure warning!)

State of the Database:

  • Total films with a location: 34,145

  • Total films with a time period: 16,515

  • Total films with both a location and time period: 13,159

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