"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
2 Corinthians 12:9
We humans are smart and clever but we are not stronger than the nature and the universe. Our scientific prediction is still not sufficient. Hence we always see insecurity in this society. The rudeness and unfair situation against each other doesn't reduce while it has been increasing day by day. Does it mean we are failing repeatedly at a most powerful thing though we think ourselves belonging to a very developed civilization?
At some points we also win the war against the nature. We could stop some viruses, bacteria and other big movements.
And question is that why we face strangers each and every day and the process seems not to be end?
I shock that we did everything what we could do and at last we humans don't understand plans of the nature. The world says a lot of things and we behave like silenced. By the way we are selfish!
According to me, what I experience is that we live as unbalance and our thoughts are different. If one of my friends think good about me and other one thinks how he will loot me. The second one come to me in the mask of an innocent person and he does show his real dark characters when we need him most. Thus its result is unknown and bring obstacles that we face suddenly without any preparation.
In my case I try my best and prepare myself. Thing is that obstacles never ignore me. They always come without any notice. You can compare yourself with others when you are at the tough times and you will see they too have some troubles. I can just say that if we are not in balance it means we need to learn to be strong. Look back, you are better than the past.
As we are a part of the nature she wants we stay in balance. Now spiritually if we think we are struggling and nothing good is happening to us then we are wrong. We are the children of the God. We have dreams, desires and wishes. We want they come to true as soon as possible. No one wants to be in late.
And we don't want the training period, this is the biggest problem of our mind!
Blessings are not human made things that we can easily get them in our hands whenever we want. They are of kingdom of the God and they are only accessible with some terms and condition. The human civilization can't sustain without getting good things from the God as they are gifted, always stored for us in heaven before we come to the world.
And each and every gifts come from the God need preparation. So that you can handle them and you won't disuse them as they are made for a unique purpose.
Why Do We Face Obstacles?
No, you can't say that you will never face obstacles. The world is full of darkness and you need to be strong in it. Being weak you can't always adjust and loose. You just need to learn the process to face the troubles when they come to you.
Obstacles have same and one formula for the human civilization that it will be with everyone till our last breath. You might stand against it or run away from it.
Question is that why we face obstacles?
From my spiritual perspective I have experienced that obstacles never break us but they make stronger, better than our past. If you look back and notice your days very carefully you will know why things happened to us and they happened only for our good. Their main purpose is teaching us to live the way God wants. Obstacles give us signals that better things are ahead!
I can say that God uses the obstacles intentionally, for our good but not against us. As you ask God something to do he puts various kinds of situation in front of us. So that you will grow through them and you will be ready for the blessings God has for you in store.
"In God's hands intended evil becomes eventual good."
In your training you be strong. They are very essential and part of our journey to the kingdom of the God. You have to see them positively instead of fear and ignorance. You will find the light only in the darkness.
In Bible we see God used wilderness, desert and giants against Israelites to bring them to the promise land, a land of milk and honey. Without preparation they couldn't face enemies that they came later. God knew about it. So he intentionally put them in different kinds of situation to face obstacles.
Everything happens only for a reason and what you are facing today they too have an unique purpose that only God knows and you will know it at the right time.
How To Overcome Obstacles?
You can't believe to win when you run away from obstacles. They are the actual solution for your breakthroughs. The only way to have true gut is words of the God. Your thinking about obstacles may kill you or make you stronger. Faith like a small seed can move a mountain. Don't think what others think, think what children of the God think.
As you pray for your breakthrough it sets a journey in this world. You can't achieve things alone, you need a friend and he is the God. He is the alpha and omega. He is the beginning and end. He is the author of your life.
Which one is best? Partnership or fighting alone as a non- believer?
You don't know any specific thing about your future but God knows it very well. As you make your journey for the thing that you eagerly want God will be with you. That time he puts obstacles in front of you, intentionally. So that you will learn and grow strong to handle the blessings.
Bigger the blessings stronger the obstacles. God will never put you in any situation that you can't handle. He does know you will overcome it. So he will train you through different kinds of troubles.
By reading words of the God and speaking them you can overcome obstacles. When you speak angels go to work and they fight on your behalf.
In God's words there is power to do great thing. From the beginning of the earth words are with the God. With his words he created everything in just six days.
Speak your prayers to see results, this is the most powerful tool to overcome obstacles!
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