GPX Use Disclaimer

GPX Use Disclaimer

Jul 18, 2021

Just before buying me a coffee, here's a few notes on using the GPX files. Please only ask for a file if you have read and agree to the following.

  • The routes are ones that I have tried, tested and sometimes corrected based on learnings from the trip. Some of the route may have changed since I did it or there may be temporary obstacles or diversions. You should use the GPX route as a guide but be prepared to work around anything that has changed.

  • If you find something that has changed about the route please let me know. I'll update the file, post a note on my blog and will make a contribution to one of my causes.

  • Whilst I take every care to ensure the GPX files are accurate, you acknowledge that the trips are undertaken entirely at your own risk and I can accept no responsibility or liability, nor give any warranty, as to the accuracy of any of the information on the site, including these files.

  • If you are travelling in a remote or mountainous area you need to also carry a paper map and a compass, and have the skills to use these. Good map reading and navigation skills are essential for safety on any walk in the hills.

  • You acknowledge that Richard Gower is the owner of the GPX file data and it is made available to download only for your own personal use. It must not be made available to download from other websites.

  • It’s a manual process to email the GPX files. I’ll send it as soon as I can but it might be the next day if I’m out and about on a new adventure.

Hopefully that should all be common sense, but it's always good to consider these things while planning a trip. Thank you for the coffee and enjoy the adventure!

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