Recently, I ran a 'Remember who you are' vision board workshop. Today is the day that all the boards are due to be completed and shared for accountability.
The workshop itself asks a lot of you before building your board. It asks you to remember who you are. This is not easy as we are so used to identifying as something, we are so used to adding labels to everything.
We live often within the limits of the expectations of what has always been so it is not easy to be brave enough to imagine and to create something that is different from that.
I have found myself struggling a little bit. How do I know if when I am building my board or the vision and the pathway for my life from heart or from the expectations of others and the need to tick certain boxes within societies structure to feel accepted and validated.
It is not always easy. It takes going in to your heart. Your heart intelligence is the highest we have, it is the courage that tells us the path. Often our thinking, our minds will come through with rationale to derail and I have spoken about this before.
I was pondering what new board to create, what will stay and what can go and then I remember that I have little to no control over so much so why make demands for desires that are not for me. How do I know what is right for me?
I went out for a walk and saw the most beautiful sky, it was like one I have never seen before, somehow the sun rays on setting had created an effect in the sky that made it look like there was a city in the sky, full of sky scrapers. It was beautiful, the colours in the sunset were breath taking and humbling all at the same time, it filled me with the most immense joy, I was literally beaming with my face up to the sky looking like a love struck fruit loop.
It was then I thought that my vision board is more of a bliss board. The point of living this game of life is to remember who we are but what we are is not our identity, our status our situation. What we are is an energetic vibration of eternal source which at its highest is love, bliss, peace, joy, enlightenment. Our goal here in remembering who you are is to follow your bliss, follow what lights you up, make choices with that as an indicator, will this bring me joy or dread? If it is dread then you are moving away from your truth, completion and fulfilment. If it is fear, apprehension but a little excitement or exhilaration it is a chapter change point.
We know what feels good, our body tells us with the energy in motion, and we know what sucks the life out of us.
Your vision board or bliss board needs to represent what lights you up. That is all we need to know for now. The universe or the game will offer us different play options and it is for us to choose the one that is en-light-ened or one that dims or dumbs us down.
I am at a cross roads in life and it is clear to me that I could keep on the path I have been on and it would remain a low haze, not quite a dim but by no means a bright light, I could go back and repeat all the same 'takes' again and I would shine a little lower or I can choose left or right. Each path lit up from the light heart intelligence that naturally emanates from me and outside of me as my guiding energetic pull both of which I sense feel good but I have little to no idea what the path will look like. It is the unknown.
What I am saying is releasing control to outcomes and conditions and specifics is necessary to move forward for your highest good, sometimes our small minds lack the imagination of universal intelligence, we pigeon hole our own potential with our narrow minded perspective when we tell the universe how it should happen and how it should look.
The Bliss Board is preceded by the 'Bliss List' . Write a list of everything that lights you up, everything that brings you joy, all the things that really make you feel so good. When you have that list, go build your board with images and phrases that move you energetically towards that place of wholeness that comes from the internal resonance of alignment of the truth of who you are a beautiful fragment of the whole of everything, a beautiful high vibe particle of source energy.
The funny thing is we are all the same, everything we think we want is driving towards peace and joy, it seems we all just have our own unique paths to get there but usually you will find, freedom, nature, love and laughter are what we really want whatever median we use to get there is down to us.
Write Your Bliss List and Build your Board. Or even better join me on the next Remember Who You Are Workshop, email me on to register your interest.
Love from me to you