What we Vibrate we duplicate!
Listen to this audio where I share some tips on finding your peace. I reference a list that I am working with where I have added emotions that are aligned with the high vibration of love or the low vibration fear.
I can use it as a reference point, to align me with love and take me further away from fear.
The world needs love! Big love for self which comes from self care of mind, body and spirit, it needs love for our environment, for our co captains. Love can bring people back from fear.
One person aligned with love at a time, brings us closer to a heaven on earth experience.
So ... Here is my list! If you have any to add, please put them in the comments.
Love Vibration Emotions - High Vibrations
Faith, Trust, Hope, Compassion, Like, Calm, Peace, Happiness, Contentment, Clarity, Acceptance, Forgiveness, Abundance, Truth, Collaboration, Creativity, Hero, Empowered, Confidence, Value, Magic, Action Divine, Self Actualization, Gratitude.
Fear Vibration - Low frequency
Shame, Blame, Hate, Panic, Anxiety, Worry, Depression, Anger, Confusion, Chaos, Guilt, Loss, Lying, Denial, Insecurity, Destructive, Victim, Self Pity, Worthlessness, Uselessness, disempowered, destructive action, frustration.
Could you add others?
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Today..... Choose Love, It is how we live in our power :-)