Real World Resolution Test for AVP

Real World Resolution Test for AVP

Jul 17, 2024

1:1 original on left, resized to 15k on right

The Apple Vision Pro has the best display in VR currently, I want to make sure my photos match that level of quality and then some for future proofing. That is why I upgraded my camera to the Panasonic Lumix G9ii, a 25MP sensor with a trick for even better quality. It has a mode where it uses the sensor stabilization feature to shift the sensor in various directions, taking multiple photos, and then merging them together into one larger image (100MP). This doesn't work well for moving images as a ghost pattern appears, but for the stills I create it gives monster images.

I used this feature on my recent trip to see if it is worth the extra time to take these larger images. I have processed my photo "Sunrise, Mono Lake" at various resolutions for comparison in AVP. The source image is 31166x15583px and I have resized the image in Photoshop for comparison below. Note these have not been artificially sharpened or denoised, which would be a normal part of my process. Can you spot a difference above 8K?

View in Apple Vision Pro

I have created a WebXR page to view the photo directly. Due to an Apple Safari bug you will need VisionOS 2 or higher to see the correct colors, version 1 shows a very washed out image.

View comparison in Safari

Download the Files

You can access all the files here to view local on AVP. I use Reality Player, it is one of the few players that works with still, 360 stereo images.

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