A free online tool that will help you to ...

A free online tool that will help you to manipulate your text

Feb 21, 2022

Text Utility is a free online tool that will help you to manipulate your text. Basically, what Text Utility does for you is that it simplifies our minor requirements for becoming a major one.

When it comes to writing a content we only worry about our writing skills, correct choice of words, catchy phrases & use of grammar. But when we are finalizing there are more of the other barrier that hinders our work.

This may look like a minor effort but think if this is about 1000+ words or characters. It will felt like quite a hurdle. And here comes a Free Online tool – TextUtility, a web app to play around with your text on browser.

Just copy and paste or type to the dialog box and select the options as per required. This allows your text to convert into


  • lowercase

  • Title Case

  • Sentence case

  • Remove extra space

This web app gives you the words & characters count, that helps you to keep your text length in check. And, help you to analysis the reading time.

Start Using it now, click here

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