As the ratties become healthy enough (for example, fully recover after surgery), they are rehomed. We are very picky with the new owners, and only give them the rats if they meet all of our conditions:
They must be ready to visit a good rat vet anytime, even if another city.
The cage must be big enough, with proper bedding and "enrichment".
They must feed the rats with proper food.
They must keep at least two rats; solitary keeping is not allowed.
If a rat needs medical treatment at home, they must provide it!
Some potential owners who didn't pass the test were pretty angry with us. Maybe they would even love the rats, but I guess they didn't want to admit they were going (or even used) to keep the rats in a wrong way, because that made them feel like they are bad / stupid. With such people, it is important, while discouraging them to get rats for now, to be polite, so that they consider and maybe heed your advice (instead of doing just in spite). Alas, there are also assholes who don't care about rats and want to breed and sell them without any concern for profit. We try to combat them legally.
Despite that, some of the rats have already moved to loving owners, and half of them are already booked (the new owners will pick them up once we don't need to treat / supervise them anymore).
Here are some photos of the rats staying at my house. I didn't made their house very pretty (because it's unreasonable to spend much time and money on a house where they will stay for a short time), but it's spacious, clean, has comfy places, and - most importantly - they seem to be pretty happy.