22 supporters
This is crazy!

This is crazy!

Jul 20, 2021

Ok, this is a new kind of 'putting myself out there' 😅
I'm so CURIOUS to see what happens, and if, in fact, I can be supported for creating content that I want to make. So many thoughts of " what if no one comes?" " will I give up?" " was this a waste of time" #overthinkersUnite

The reality is, there is only ONE WAY TO FIND OUT!!

Diving in and just doing.

A very good mantra that has helped me move through some serious mental blocks has been " DON'T THINK, JUST DO" - seems to work for me in times of over-thinking and self-doubt.

And now, for you're viewing pleasure....a wonderful eye candy of a mandala made by a talented friend name Brandon.

So, start by staring into the centre, let your eyes and gaze soften. Naturally your eyes will move about the image, then when you're ready close them and breath in the pattern.

There are a few different ways to use a mandala for meditation.

If you stick around, i'll tell you!

Thank you! Love ya!!



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