Polished ©

Polished ©

Dec 06, 2024

Polished ©
~Rachele Riley

Her speech isn't that of noble stature or hierarchy. Oh yes. Poor, Poor Little Orphan. She sounds in need of polishing. Polishing? Yet, how to explain the brilliance and clarity in her bold decision making? Copying. Moissanite. A Diamond. Shines, it BLINGS. Let's hide her in the attic the shoe WILL NOT fit her! It Mustn't! Quick! Hurry. Hide her from the prince! Let's dim her JOYOUS spirit, certainly if we treat her this way, she will eventually believe it! Fall victim to circumstances and never Rise TO SEE it! Withold the opportunity to assist. For what is the GIFT of knowledge if we do not share it? Who calls the Qualified? Who Qualifies the Called? Yes. Hidden in PLAIN sight. Beauty in Simplicity. The little boy who happened into LV. Coco Chanel and Oprah Winfrey. Can't you SEE I'm springing up a NEW THING! #Abundance and #Peace. The universe is conspiring. All she had to do was #BELIEVEIT. Roots of Bitterness. GO AWAY. Mountains MOVE! OBEY! Capable of Anything. #RoyalSpirituality

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