My Energy. ©

My Energy. ©

Dec 06, 2024

My Energy. ©
~Rachele Riley
Written at The Fly #Nola #Nature #FieldTrips #AudubonZoo #Kids

Perception is costly. My energy.
Unaffordable to the enemy.
Monetarily or metaphorically?
Studied me from birth.
Using me, those I come in contact with.
Embedded himself like a seed.
We must learn to dig. Gardening.
Observational responses to understand him fully.
Flesh becomes boring. The assignment is to learn him.
Looking very foolish. He loves that.
Believing he possesses the upper hand.
Make the rope long and he will ALWAYS figure out a way to use it.
Always focused on Tug-of-War, but it's a Mortdecai kind of vibe.
Evolution is protection of Peace.
Provides joy in the Morning.
I can still show up in lethargy.
Court Cases. Custody. Wasting.
Lack of Communication.
Power Struggles.
Wisemen awareness of energy usage and consumption.
Egotistic or just simplicity.
Detachment mastery.
Unaffordability is rarity.
That obsession for the Hermes, but you only clocking $70k a year so does it really make sense? Statements. Priorities.
Acceptance provides your forcefield #boundaries.
Unicorn Energy.
Once in a lineage. King or Queen.
Club Potency. The impotent -Denied Entry.
Exclusivity. X-Men. Xavier. New Orleans.
In the mood for some Yak-A-Mein.
Storm of the century. Katrina Anniversary.
Life Lessons. Destruction. Rebuilding.
My Energy.
Renewable. Sustainability. Tax Credits. Self-Investment. Reimbursement.
An all-consuming fire within.
Hazel Eyes. Golden Projections.
Stand guard as if an entire Army is present.
Meta morph energy with a thought and a glance.
Serious power possession.
Dangerously unaware.
Mature mutations. Stepping into the rare.
The awakened.
Unaware. Judgements.
Them stuck. Freedom dances in skillful grace.
Shamans. Silent Warriors. Guru Essence.
Caution Tape. Move at your own Pace.
My Energy. Addictive Personalities.

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