One Prime Lens is all you need for your ...

One Prime Lens is all you need for your 1st year of photography.

Apr 08, 2022

To put things into perspective, I have to take us back to when I not only never owned a consumer or pro level camera but I personally didn't know anyone with one nor have I physically held one.

I remember(like most of us) going down the rabbit hole of finding the "perfect" camera then scouring through what seemed to be an endless display of lenses to choose from. Now of course, I was on a budget so that eliminated those top of the line native lenses as well as those outrageously priced but rightfully so Carl Zeiss lenses.

Jumping ahead I knew I wanted to start my photography journey with a prime lens and ditch those kit lenses altogether. What made me decide on one lens was the advice of a film photographer whom I can't remember at the moment lol but nonetheless, his advice was to invest into one quality lens at one focal distance and learn the ins and outs of my camera, composition, natural lighting, shooting in manual settings and when to use the appropriate shutter, ISO and aperture combinations.

Though by now most of you may be thinking I went with an obvious "nifty-fifty" lens but I was more so pulled towards wider lens like the Sigma 35mm 1.4 ART. Not only was it a good quality and fast lens that I could practice my low-light photography but the depth I got when pairing f1.4 with a wide"ish" focal length looked dream-like no matter where I pointed my camera. Now that I look back on some of my first images(as most of us do from time to time) those photos were definitely not as dreamy as I thought.

✨Sigma 35mm f1.4 ART Series Lens✨

Fast forward 2 years later, I ended up selling that lens to upgrade to a newer one, RIP to that fallen soldier I know 🤧. For the record, I am not saying I or anyone else couldn't learn the same principles as a beginner with a zoom lens but for me personally and I would argue most beginner photographers jumping into this industry for the first time, whether you're a hobbyist or an aspiring pro you could benefit tremendously from viewing your own work through one lens just as it hugely benefited me.

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