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Why I Created This Project

Why I Created This Project

Nov 16, 2024

Since the beginning of cryptocurrency, I’ve tried many different clients and wallet applications to generate crypto keys. However, none of them supported all the coins I wanted, and over the years, I’ve seen many apps and wallets get hacked. Additionally, there are websites that inject malicious code, compromising the randomness and security of my keys.

I hate hacking and stealing crypto — it's a problem that has plagued the industry from the start! This motivated me to create QR2M — a secure, open-source app that can generate cryptographic keys for a vast number of cryptocurrencies, even more securely than many of the available solutions.

One key feature of QR2M is the use of Quantum Random Number Generation (QRNG), a level of entropy generation that isn’t yet widely used. Most crypto apps rely on traditional RNG or predictable methods that can be compromised, but QRNG ensures that keys are generated in the most secure, random manner possible.

My goal is to give every crypto user on this planet the chance to generate secure keys and never have to worry about them being stolen. That’s why I support 254 coins right now, with the aim to offer a truly comprehensive solution for anyone who wants to securely store their cryptocurrency.

In fact, even the most widely-known tools like the iancoleman.io/bip39 website don’t support as many coins as QR2M does. I wanted to create a tool that goes beyond the limitations of current apps and provides the highest possible security to everyone, no matter which coin they are working with.

Future Vision: QRNG Hardware Support

One of my long-term goals is to add support for QRNG hardware devices to further enhance the security of cryptographic key generation. Unfortunately, these devices are currently too expensive for me to purchase on my own. However, if anyone is interested in supporting the project financially to help me acquire a USB QRNG device, it would be greatly appreciated! With such a device, I could further enhance QR2M's security and provide even better key generation for users.

Support the Project

If you’d like to help fund the purchase of a QRNG hardware device or support the development of QR2M, please consider donating. You can donate via the following platform:

Any contribution would help and be greatly appreciated in achieving the vision for this project!

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