The Autopen Mystery

Mar 20, 2025

Who’s the real guy behind Joe’s autopen?
A mystery we chase, but can’t comprehend.
Could it be a politician, or a deep-state crew?
Perhaps Obama returned for a third term too?

Perhaps it was Jill who guided the click and sign.
And who exactly signed the pardons, and made Joe resign?
More questions pop up the deeper we dive,
It’s hard to find answers, but we still strive.

How much does it pay to act as a man on decline,
Is it pricey to play the stumbling and forgetful line?
If this were Scooby-Doo, here’s the twist you'd find,
A Biden mask slipping, revealing who’s behind.

Is it one person, or a team taking turns in disguise?
Was there a discount for mismatched ears and size?
So many questions that still linger on,
A game of smoke and mirrors all night long.

Maybe one day the truth will break through the night,
But will justice be swift, or just out of sight.

Have a great day everyone! Much Love, Lynn

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