Bloodied London Horses

Bloodied London Horses

Apr 26, 2024

Q.  Hi Lynn,  Really weird sighting of a black and white horse in London today... What could it be?

A.  This is beyond ominous.  I sense the release of these horses was completely intentional and also served to send a message.  The evil ruling the world and controlling the monarchy feel agitated that people are getting "soft" compared to past decades.  This looks like a warning to get back in line.

I sense something very bad has happened to Kate and this message is meant for the family as William prepares to be King.  If she is still with us, she may be barely hanging as someone having a lot of influence over her healthcare lingers.

Say a prayer for her and her kids.  This feels to be a very difficult time for them.  It is near impossible to leave and even more difficult to stay.



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