Astra-Zene-Ca - The Jig is Up

Astra-Zene-Ca - The Jig is Up

May 09, 2024

Q. It was brought to my attention yesterday that this popular "shot" drug was ceasing to be made and they will no longer push their cocktail.  This is great news, but what does it really mean?

A.  Apparently the company is saying that there are new variations of the beer bug and this drug doesn't seem to address the needs of the people.   The lack of demand has prompted them to cease the production.  
I sense a partial truth here.... 
Since the multitude of "shots" were created and administered from ALL several manufacturers there has been an increase in blood and heart issues in comparison to previous decades.  Just do a quick online search and you will see case after case, with a huge spike in our youth (which NEVER had this type of medical problem until 2020).  

At some point data can only be fudged and the technical language and explanations (even newly created terminology to obfuscate truth) can only go so far.  In our current information age too many alternate sources show real stats and personal testimonies proving this isn't remotely safe.  Astra--- knows the jig is up and is exiting while they still can.  They made their fortune and I sense they want to leave while the getting is still good.  The "no longer needed or on demand excuse" is just a cover (IMO).

I see this as a positive... one down..



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