Are Micro Apps the Future of Mobile Appl ...

Are Micro Apps the Future of Mobile Applications?

Sep 13, 2022

We’ve reached the point where most people have smartphones in their pockets, but we’re still using clunky apps to interact with them. Mobile application fatigue has set in among many users, so something new needs to be tried to make the process better—and micro apps might be the answer. Here’s how they work and why they could be the future of mobile applications!

What are Micro Mobile Apps?

Apps are a great way to promote your business and connect with new clients. But there's an issue with traditional apps: they're too cumbersome. They take up too much space on mobile devices, weigh down your phone, and push aside other things you might want to do with your device. They also can't run in the background while other apps are in use, so they waste battery life. All this combines to make it difficult for users to get anything done.

Why Sudden Rise in Demand for Micro Mobile Applications Development?

Mobile Apps have become Irksome

The problems with mobile applications have existed for quite some time, but it wasn't until recently that companies started to be proactive in addressing them. The overwhelming number of apps means there is often little difference between many and finding a suitable app can be a daunting task. If you’re not interested in shopping on Instagram or playing Candy Crush, then good luck finding something new.

Lack of an in and out experience

The downside is that as micro apps are created in response to a singular need, there is no room for cross-functional integrations that might enrich the customer experience. When you use an app to make a purchase, for example, and then want to ship the item from within the app using your chosen shipping carrier, you're out of luck.

Soaring Mobile App Development Cost

Mobile app development is a hot topic today, but it is also a costly one. With most apps costing around $75,000 to develop and no guaranteed return on investment, investors are becoming wary of app startups.

Simplest Form of User Experience

A micro app is an application that delivers a particular service, but provides only a subset of functionality found in more comprehensive applications. Like apps themselves, they can be downloaded from online stores to personal devices, and once installed they appear as icons on home screens. More and more developers are creating smaller apps because they are quicker to develop than fully featured ones.

Why Hire Mobile app development services:

Developing your own mobile app is a great idea and you'll be able to fully control its features, design, and functionality. The downside is that it takes a lot of time and money, not to mention expertise that may not exist in-house. If you don't have much technical knowledge, want a fully personalized application or are on a tight budget then this post may be helpful.



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