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Early June- Cons, moving, & MORE

Early June- Cons, moving, & MORE

Jun 07, 2022

Hey yall! happy half of the year. Last month for me has been a doozy but lets get going. First off, I moved! The roommate & I are renting a house now, with 2 rooms each to ourselves. no more working and sleeping in the same room! This is such a big upgrade for me, I can focus on making a full Art room! + some gaming haha

As I was moving, I got off the waitlist for Dreamhack Dallas and had to scramble to get all my stuff ready to do a con. All my shit is still packed, and now I have to clean post-convention panic mess instead of unpacking.

Heres what my setup looked like!

For Classic Game Fest in July, I think I'm going to try to make some big adjustments to this setup. I've had these wire cube boxes since 2012, when I was selling bead art. They have been through the RINGER, so they're the first thing to go.

How did I do? pretty well! I sold out of half of my mousepad designs! Friday was a little slow, so I managed to do an entire King sticker while I was there:

Hooray for using PTO to draw!

Whats next?

I've been poking at an 80s arcade pattern for a while now. All the designs are done! just need to put it together. Here's a few of the (40!) bits of iconography going into this monster one:

Artists of the Month!:

Cinnamuffins |

This dudes been working on this thick/angled line art style for a while now and he's absolutely killing it! It helps that he and I enjoy the same subject matter lol. I picked up these stickers from DH Dallas this past weekend. At this point, my entire Yeti cup is just gonna be his art. Give him a follow on Instagram or catch him at a Texas con!
Michelle_Coffee |

Michelle's gouache art is what made me pick up gouache a little bit ago, and I need to get back to it! She's able to match her traditional and digital art so well! I have a handful of car stickers awaiting my car lol She has some lovely original art as well! check her out on IG.


I had some people find out I uh, made mousepads/playmats just this weekend? I guess posting on socials is literally never enough, so I'll show you all my designs here at once!

Agumon | Gabumon | Ghibli | Pink Pokemon | Blue Pokemon | Sonic

I'm out of some of the mousepad designs, but I'm doing another order very soon! if you're interested, feel free to dm me on ig @profkayton or [email protected] and I can hook you up! I want to TAKE OVER YOUR GAMER SPACE. Allrighty, bye!

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