An easter egg podcast episode is coming!

An easter egg podcast episode is coming!

Apr 09, 2020

Firstly, my heart and best wishes go to anyone reading that has been severely affected by the global pandemic. I genuinely hope you are all safe and well.

The famous software easter egg arrived in 1979. Atari first used it after Warren Robinett, the designer of Adventure, a cartridge-based video game for the Atari 2600, included a hidden surprise within it.

Now my easter egg for you all is an extraordinary podcast episode with Slack's CPO, Tamar Yehoshua. We discuss not only how Slack develops their products, but also, how Slack uses Slack to operate company-wide!

I'm not going to share when it's going to drop over the next five days. The only way to grab it is either; support the community with a paid Community Supporter Membership to get pre-release access right now, or, to subscribe to the Product Coalition podcast and wait patiently!

There are more eggs where that came from!

In addition to the bonus episode drop above, I'm also releasing five amazing London podcast recordings, back-to-back over the next five days. You can listen to all of these right now via pre-release listening that comes with the Community Supporter Membership, or subscribe to the Product Coalition podcast and wait for them to drop from tomorrow. Here's what's happening:

Be cool, stay happy, love the craft


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