With Diwali coming up soon, fashion sales are live in all glory. A topic that comes to my mind is Artwork Personalization - Widely synonymous to Netflix.
For the ones not aware about it:
Have you been watching the romance genre a lot on Netflix? Then it’s possible you’re more likely to see John Travolta on the pulp fiction catalogue poster instead of Uma Thurman - since John Travolta has appeared in more romantic based movies and is more likely to drive your choice to watch pulp fiction when you see him on the catalogue than the popular Uma Thurman poster.
While #Netflix is a proven success of artwork personalization, not many have adapted to the potential it holds.
Where could we possibly see it in use? - For starters, clothing ecommerce websites
Modern India has different ways of expressing themselves in terms of fashion - and when #ecommerce websites put your generic Kurta pyjama and lehenga as a call out for Diwali sale, I don't think it does justice to the wider audience.
Maybe I’d like to wear fusion clothes, or a leather jacket, or a veshti with shirt on Diwali or about anything.
In a time of personalization, why not take a step to de-generalize the expression of celebration.
Since people tend to surf a lot before making a purchase -
Artwork personalization can help us trace a pattern in the consumer search history and run different variations of the same slider/banner ad for different consumers
How? - The machine does this by learning a pattern via statistics - how frequently were you looking up fusion Indian wear v/s traditional kanchipuram silk sarees.
Why this helps? A flat 50% off on the kind of clothes I won't wear this diwali, is not going to lure me into the 50%. However, a 50% callout with the models wearing the kind of clothes I was looking for? I'm tapping that Ad because that's effective sales right there!
So if I’ve been searching fusion dresses for Diwali, let the ad creative informing me about the sale have models wearing those kind of dresses
If I’ve been searching Veshtis with shirts, let the models have that on them
(This will warrant multiple variants of the same ad)
Again this will be subjected to the #inventory of the website, but you get the drill of matching the search results to the inventory.