The first official output from the GÖBEKLI TEPE TO STONEHENGE project will be published to YouTube very soon.
As many of you already know, we spent 3 days at Göbekli Tepe while filming for the first part of the project. To be honest, even we did not expect the riches we would come back from Turkey with, but we're pleased to be able to say that there will be three films (one for each day) to be released over the coming weeks - and with possible bonus extras to come. And that's even before we report from Karahan Tepe, Sayburç and Çatalhüyük.
We can honestly say that you - or anyone else - will have seen films like this before from Göbekli Tepe. Thanks to the generosity of our sponsors here and the co-operation and enthusiasm of Dr. Lee Clare at the site, the access we gained to unknown parts of the site and the extraordinary insights we gained from such up-close encounters still take our breath away.
Thank you all for your help in making this possible. You have enabled a very important re-framing of the conversation around these ancient sites, as we're sure you'll agree when you've seen what's coming.
Michael & Rupert