Povee Halo
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Good Morning beautiful people

Good Morning beautiful people

May 27, 2023

It’s Saturday. I woke up later than I wanted to and I’m not happy about it, but it’s my off day - imma cut myself some slack.

I think I’m gonna fill today with writing. I have a lot of segments I know are releasing soon but I usually kind of write as I go or improv. The script always seems to change so I kinda just stopped making them.

Imma change that today.

My goal is to get episode 2 of the series and 2 BRAND NEW MINI SERIES up and ready to go by end of the day today.

If I’m not uploading 3 scripts here by tomorrow morning LATEST, y’all can all come beat my ass collectively.

Once again I love y’all! I’m going to see my parents today too so it’s gone be a good day. What y’all got planned? Go listen to Tint that’s what I’m on today 👀

Love y’all,

Povee 👼

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