Car Trouble?

Jun 16, 2024

I was quite happy with myself the other day as I managed to fix a problem with my car!

My brake lights had come on and I couldn't turn them off. It was late at night and there was no chance of getting anybody to take a look. I was worried about my battery draining so I went online to see if I could sort the problem out.

It seemed that there was a problem with the little stopper, the one that switches the lights off. Kind of like when we close the fridge door. This stopper had broken, I could see the bits on the floor, a classic sign. It was because of this the lights were staying on. Here is a picture

Strangely enough, the day before I had been cutting up some flip-flops to do something with - that is another story, and it just so happened that I had the rubber stoppers from the flip flops; they looked liket they could do the job, so I thought. "Hmm. I will give it a go."

And it worked!

I was so thrilled.

But we can't fix all problems ourselves and often we need a mechanic. Therefore it is going to make life easier if we can explain ourselves in Portuguese.

This video will give you some key words and phrases to help you out.


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