Dance of Light and Darkness

Dance of Light and Darkness

May 10, 2024

I am light.

I am also darkness.

They both live in me.

They are in love.

Together they create magic,

But their love is tragic.

One fades,

As the other one overtakes.

Light said I will flicker and exhaust all the wicks for you, darkness.

Darkness replied- you’re the only reason I wait for the dawn.

They played the game of,

Who loved whom more,

All day long.

Inside the caves and caverns,

On the edges of the shadows,

Under the burning candles,

And the lamps.

Always one step away from each other.

Dancing to the tune of laws of physics,

But never able to kiss.

Thinking about their painful fate

They realize once they kiss,

Together they will just annihilate.

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