
Sep 03, 2021

There are so many choices we have today to make money online: Blogging. Dropshipping. Uber. You name it, we have it now.

Even though we have these choices, we still have many people in the world that do not know why they are on this Earth. I would count myself included.

I find it rather odd that we have countries that live with such progress, yet we have people still living with anxiety, depression and no purpose. The "paradox of purpose" is what that is called.

This page is my journey to relate to these insights and grow with others. I'm using Twitter to start this journey. It's evolving each and everyday but I feel I have no other choice. I would go into all the details that got me to this point but I think I'd rather wait to go into that.

I just know my purpose is not to sit in a cubicle 9-5 for 40+ years. I'm not knocking anyone that finds that enough but it's not enough for me. Thanks for reading and please give me a follow on Twitter for more insights: @polymathpurpose

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