12 supporters
Terms of Service Update (6/2024)

Terms of Service Update (6/2024)

Jun 04, 2024

Will Draw

  • Original Characters, NSFW (18+ only), Fan Art, Ships, Ferals, Anthro

Will Not Draw

  • Mecha


All commissions can be half OR full body at the discretion of me or the client.

One additional character (for a total of two) can be drawn in ANY commissioned piece for no additional fee.

  • Additional characters after the first two cost an additional fifty percent (50%) of the initial commission price. A maximum of 8 characters can be in one piece.*

*Concept Scenes and Full Illustrations have different character limit rules. See their entries for more information.

I reserve the right to refuse a commission for any purpose at any time.

I will not accept cryptocurrency of any kind.

As the original artist, I can post the commission wherever for the sake of promoting my art. If you wish for the commission to be private (not posted anywhere), please discuss that with me prior.

NSFW work is for 18+ clients only.

Commissioned pieces are to be used strictly for personal usage (avatar, banner, ect.). Commercial usage needs to be discussed prior to the commission.

You ARE NOT allowed to mint or sell the commissioned piece as an NFT.

Reposting your commissioned piece is perfectly fine! Linking back to me is not necessary, but is deeply appreciated.


Payment can be done via several ways:

Buy Me a Coffee
Directly through Paypal 

  • if using Paypal, you must wait until I have sent you an invoice within the 24 hours of accepting your commission. You will have 48 hours to send the promised payment.

Payment plans are available to orders over $100; half upfront.

I do not start the commission until payment has been received.

Refunds can be given at up to 50% of the original price when still in the initial sketching phase (before I send the initial sketch for client approval). Monochrome sketch commissions cannot be refunded.


Estimated completion time can differ based on the type of commission, complexity, and other factors (ie: work, health, family matters). I will reach out if I feel that I am taking longer than planned.

An initial sketch will be sent to the client for approval. Major changes can be requested at this stage for no additional cost.

Once the final piece is sent, only minor changes such as color adjustments can be done with no additional fee.

Completed pieces are sent as files through a link in Google Drive.

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